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Add a new plugin

This section explains how to add a new plugin to KubeSkoop diagnose.

Implement Plugin

All plugins are located in pkg/skoop/plugin.

A plugin should implement interface Plugin.

type Plugin interface {
CreatePod(pod *k8s.Pod) (model.NetNodeAction, error)
CreateNode(node *k8s.NodeInfo) (model.NetNodeAction, error)
  • CreatePod(): accepts *k8s.Pod and creates pod implementation as NetNodeAction.

  • CreateNode(): accepts *k8s.NodeInfo and creates node implementation as NetNodeAction

You should provide implementations for pod and node based on your plugin.

The definition of NetNodeAction is as follows:

type NetNodeAction interface {
Send(dst Endpoint, protocol Protocol) ([]Transmission, error)
Receive(upstream *Link) ([]Transmission, error)
  • Send() represents the operation of sending a packet from the node. It accepts destination endpoint and protocol, and returns []Transmission as the result.
  • Receive() represents the operation of receiving a packet on the node. It accepts upstream as *Link, and returns []Transmission as the result.

It's quite common to use veth pair as the network interface of pod. In this case, you can use simpleVethPod as implementation of pod by newSimpleVethPod(). For example:

func (f *flannelPlugin) CreatePod(pod *k8s.Pod) (model.NetNodeAction, error) {
return newSimpleVEthPod(pod, f.ipCache, f.podMTU, "eth0")

For node implementations, you may have to determine the type of an Endpoint (Pod, Node, Service, or External). For general, you can use BasePluginNode as NetNodeAction, and implement SimplePluginNode for it.

type SimplePluginNode interface {
ToPod(upstream *model.Link, dst model.Endpoint, protocol model.Protocol, pod *v1.Pod) ([]model.Transmission, error)
ToHost(upstream *model.Link, dst model.Endpoint, protocol model.Protocol, node *v1.Node) ([]model.Transmission, error)
ToService(upstream *model.Link, dst model.Endpoint, protocol model.Protocol, service *v1.Service) ([]model.Transmission, error)
ToExternal(upstream *model.Link, dst model.Endpoint, protocol model.Protocol) ([]model.Transmission, error)
Serve(upstream *model.Link, dst model.Endpoint, protocol model.Protocol) ([]model.Transmission, error)

SimplePluginNode has already classified actions according to endpoint types. Take Flannel plugin as an example:

func (f *flannelPlugin) CreateNode(node *k8s.NodeInfo) (model.NetNodeAction, error) {
flannelHost, err := newFlannelHost(f.ipCache, node, f.infraShim, f.serviceProcessor, f.hostOptions)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &BasePluginNode{
NetNode: flannelHost.netNode,
IPCache: f.ipCache,
SimplePluginNode: flannelHost,
}, nil

During implementation, you may need to use utilities such as IPCache and NetstackAssertion to help you get the information of a resource, or check its network configuration. For more details, you can refer to the implementation of the Flannel plugin in pkg/skoop/plugin/flannel.go.

If you want to add any flags for your plugin, you should implement ConfigBinder, and register it.

type CalicoConfig struct {
PodMTU int
Interface string

func (c *CalicoConfig) BindFlags(fs *pflag.FlagSet) {
fs.StringVarP(&c.Interface, "calico-host-interface", "", "eth0",
"Host interface for calico plugin.")
fs.IntVarP(&c.PodMTU, "calico-pod-mtu", "", 1500,
"Pod MTU for calico plugin. Pod interface MTU in BGP mode.")
fs.IntVarP(&c.IPIPPodMTU, "calico-ipip-pod-mtu", "", 1480,
"Pod MTU for calico plugin. Pod interface MTU in IPIP mode.")

func (c *CalicoConfig) Validate() error {
return nil

var Calico = &CalicoConfig{}

func init() {
ctx.RegisterConfigBinder("Calico plugin", Calico)

Implement Network

Network are located in pkg/skoop/network.

type Network interface {
Diagnose(ctx *ctx.Context, src model.Endpoint, dst model.Endpoint) ([]model.Suspicion, *model.PacketPath, error)
  • Diagnose(): accepts *ctx.Context, source and destination as *model.Endpoint. Returns []model.Suspicion and *model.PacketPath.

Network are cloud provider specified, and these implementations are located in pkg/skoop/network/<provider name>/.

If your plugins are supported on this provider, you should add Networkimplementation for it. Network type generic stands for any cloud provider, so you should at least include your plugin's Network implementation in it.

Plugin, NetNodeManager, NetworkPolicy, service.Processor and Diagnostor are configured during the creation of Network. For example:

func NewFlannelNetwork(ctx *ctx.Context) (network.Network, error) {
serviceProcessor := service.NewKubeProxyServiceProcessor(ctx)

plgn, err := plugin.NewFlannelPlugin(ctx, serviceProcessor, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err

collectorManager, err := manager.NewSimplePodCollectorManager(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err

netNodeManager, err := nodemanager.NewNetNodeManager(ctx, plgn, collectorManager)
if err != nil {
return nil, err

networkPolicy, err := plugin.NewNetworkPolicy(false, false, ctx.ClusterConfig().IPCache, ctx.KubernetesClient(), serviceProcessor)
if err != nil {
return nil, err

diagnostor, err := skoop.NewDefaultDiagnostor(ctx, netNodeManager, networkPolicy)
if err != nil {
return nil, err

return &flannelNetwork{
plugin: plgn,
diagnostor: diagnostor,
collectorManager: collectorManager,
netNodeManager: netNodeManager,
}, nil

Add new plugin type and create it in Provider

Plugin types are defined in pkg/skoop/context/cluster.go. You should add a new type here.

const (
NetworkPluginFlannel = "flannel"
NetworkPluginCalico = "calico"
NetworkPluginTerway = "terway"
// add your new plugin type here

After this, you also need to create your plugin in supported cloud providers at pkg/skoop/provider/<provider name>.go. For example:

func (g genericProvider) CreateNetwork(ctx *context.Context) (network.Network, error) {
switch ctx.ClusterConfig().NetworkPlugin {
case context.NetworkPluginFlannel:
return generic.NewFlannelNetwork(ctx)
case context.NetworkPluginCalico:
return generic.NewCalicoNetwork(ctx)
// add your plugin type
return nil, fmt.Errorf("not support cni type %q", ctx.ClusterConfig().NetworkPlugin)

Now, you can make your plugin work by adding --network plugin <your plugin name> to the CLI command.

Add plugin auto detection

You can add plugin auto detection inDetectNetworkPlugin() in pkg/utils/k8s.go by listing the DaemonSet in the cluster.

func DetectNetworkPlugin(k8sCli *kubernetes.Clientset) (networkMode string, err error) {
dss, err := k8sCli.AppsV1().DaemonSets("").List(context.Background(), metav1.ListOptions{})
if err != nil {
return "", err
for _, ds := range dss.Items {
switch ds.Name {
case "kube-flannel-ds":
return "flannel", nil
case "calico-node":
return "calico", nil
case "terway-eniip":
return "terway-eniip", nil
return "", nil

Add e2e tests

Finally, you should add plugin specific tests in test/skoop/e2e/testcase/plugins.go, and add your plugin to test/skoop/e2e/testcase/testcases.go.