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This section explains key components, data structures and relationships between them.


Key components


Abstraction of cloud provider, responsible for detecting network type and creating Network.


Cloud-specific container network. A Network should configure all resources that the diagnosis progress needs, including Plugin, Diagnostor, InfraShim, etc.


Implementation of the diagnosis algorithm. It generates the initial links and nodes on source NetNode by executing Send action, and continuously generates new links and nodes by executing Receive action on later added NetNode, until the entire graph has been constructed.


Network plugin(flannel, calico, etc.). It creates the actual NetNode from the network config and return NetNodeAction.


Create and cache NetNodeAction. It collects Kubernetes pod/node netstack info from CollectorManager, and create NetNodeAction from Plugin.


Manage collect tasks, which collect netstack info of Kubernetes pod/nodes.


Cache major Kubernetes objects used by diagnosis, to prevent redundant access to the API Server.


An interface represents the network action of a NetNode. It should be implemented by any NetNode type.


Assertions of infra resources. Should be implemented by cloud providers.


The component stands for a service processor (like kube-proxy). It gets the backends of a service, and check its configuration in from netstack info.


Assertion utilities for diagnosis. Including NetstackAssertion and KubernetesAssertion.


Components and utilities of the Linux netstack. Including Router, Netfilter, IPTables, etc.

Key structures


type Context struct {
Ctx *sync.Map

Context is used to store runtime configurations. It is responsible for binding flags for modules and providing interfaces for registration.


type Endpoint struct {
IP string
Type EndpointType
Port uint16

Endpoint for the network layer, including IP, Port and Type.


type Packet struct {
Src net.IP
Sport uint16
Dst net.IP
Dport uint16
Protocol Protocol
Encap *Packet
Mark uint32

A data packet.

  • Encap: If the packet is an encapsuled packet (such as an IPIP packet), the real packet is in this field.

  • Mark: Used in router and iptables simulation.


type NetNode struct {
Type NetNodeType
ID string
Actions map[*Link]*Action
Suspicions []Suspicion
initiative *Action

Node in the network graph. It can be Pod or Node in Kubernetes, or can also be a network resources on the cloud. NetNode implements NetNodeAction for handle network traffic, and Assertion for storing assertions.


type Transmission struct {
NextHop Hop
Link *Link

A transmit operation created by Send() or Receive() action of a NetNode. It contains NextHop pointing to the next NetNode, and Link to describe the transmission info.


type Hop struct {
Type NetNodeType
ID string

Information for a hop, used to find a NetNode.

type Link struct {
Type LinkType
Source NetNodeAction
Destination NetNodeAction
Packet *Packet
SourceAttribute LinkAttribute
DestinationAttribute LinkAttribute

Level int // for print

type LinkAttribute interface {
GetAttrs() map[string]string

The link between two nodes.

  • Type: Contains external, vpc, veth, ipvlan, local, and more.

  • SourceAttribute&DestinationAttribute: The key-value attributes of this link on source and destination nodes.


type PodMeta struct {
Namespace string
PodName string
NodeName string
HostNetwork bool

type Pod struct {

Information for a Pod of Kubernetes. Includes Pod's metadata and netstack info.


type NodeInfo struct {
SubNetNSInfo []netstack.NetNSInfo

type NodeNetworkStackDump struct {
Pods []PodNetInfo `json:"pods"`
Netns []netstack.NetNSInfo `json:"netns"`

type NodeMeta struct {
NodeName string

Information for a Node of Kubernetes. Includes Node's metadata and netstack info of node and pods on it.


type Suspicion struct {
Level SuspicionLevel
Message string

The problem occurred on a NetNode.

  • Level: Severity of the problem. Contains Info, Warning, Critical and Fatal.

  • Message: Problem description.