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Command line arguments

The following command line arguments are provided by kubeskoop cli.

-p, --dport uint16Destination port for the network problem.
-d, --dst stringDestination address for the network problem.
--protocol stringProtocol for the network problem. (default tcp)
-s, --src stringSource address for the network problem.
--cloud-provider stringCloud provider of cluster. (default generic)
--cluster-cidr stringCluster pod CIDR. If not set, will try to detect it automatically.
--kube-config stringCluster kubeconfig file. (default ~/.kube/config)
--network-plugin stringNetwork plugin used in cluster. If not set, will try to auto detect it.
--proxy-mode stringProxy mode for kube-proxy. If not set, will try to detect it automatically.
--format stringOutput format of diagnose result, support d2/svg/json. If not set, only print simple path info on console.
--httpEnable an http server to show diagnose result.
--http-address stringListen address for http server. (default
--output stringOutput file name, default is output.d2/svg/json in current work directory.
--aliyun-access-key-id stringAliyun access key.
--aliyun-access-key-secret stringAliyun access secret.
--aliyun-security-token stringAliyun security token (optional).
--collector-image stringImage used for collector. (default kubeskoop/kubeskoop:<version>)
--collector-namespace stringNamespace where collector pods in. (default skoop)
--collector-pod-wait-interval durationCollector pod running check interval. (default 2s)
--collector-pod-wait-timeout durationCollector pod running check timeout. (default 2m0s)
--calico-host-interface stringHost interface for calico plugin. (default eth0)
--calico-ipip-pod-mtu intPod MTU for calico plugin. Pod interface MTU in IPIP mode. (default 1480)
--calico-pod-mtu intPod MTU for calico plugin. Pod interface MTU in BGP mode. (default 1500)
--flannel-backend-type stringBackend type for flannel plugin, support host-gw,vxlan,alloc. If not set, it will auto detect from flannel config.
--flannel-bridge stringBridge name for flannel plugin. (default cni0)
--flannel-host-interface stringHost interface for flannel plugin. (default eth0)
--flannel-ip-masqShould do IP masquerade for flannel plugin. (default true)
--flannel-pod-mtu intPod MTU for flannel plugin. If not set, it will auto detect from flannel cni mode (1450 for vxlan, 1500 for others).